Who am I

Pierre Potvin ps.éd. Ph.D., ps.péd .
Associate Professor
Department of psychoeducation
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Researcher and consultant in education and psychoeducation
- Psychoeducator (University of Montreal, Boscoville (yout readaption
centre) and Centre de Psychoéducation du Québec
Ph.D. in Psychopedagogy (Université Laval).
- Associate professor and researcher at the holder psychoeducation
department of the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. (Retired UQTR)
- Consultant researcher at Centre de transfert pour la réussite éducative
du Québec(CTREQ)
- Main areas of expertise
• attitudes of teachers and the teacher-student relationship
• success and failure at school,
• perseverance and dropping out of school
• behavioral disorders
• development of intervention programs and program evaluation
• research Action
•coaching school in educational success of there students